Tahoe Backyard Sauna

Location (City/State/Country): South Lake Tahoe California

Construction Type: custom_build

Structure Type: shed/cabin

Stove Type: electric

Stove Model: FLB-80

Ventilation: passive

Interior Wood Types: cedar, pine, redwood

Cost of Construction: 6000

Year of Construction: 2022

Notable / Unique Features: Custom exterior "steampunk Sauna" light

Rating: 6

Review of Sauna: Built this sauna in my backyard. This was my introduction to sauna construction (and building construction in general). Generally, the sauna turned out great, even on a frugal budget. It fits 6 people comfortably and we've fit up 10 inside on the top bench. It heats up to 180-200 F within one hour and stays pretty warm as people come and go to the cold plunge. I've had some issues with heating elements in the FLB-80 burning out and needing replacement. If I were to do anything different I would have wired in some under-bench lighting for a good mood light. The loyly (steam) experience still feels a bit harsh even though all of the sauna seats are a good distance away from the heater. The heat cavity above the door is above 12 inches; in an ideal world I would have increased that to 18-24 inches and made the benches higher. The benches were constructed of redwood 2x4s. For the interior paneling I used cedar fence pickets and used a dado blade on a table saw to create shiplap panels out of them. They turned out great, though it took some time. On one of the walls and for part of the ceiling I used pine paneling from Lowes. I wouldn't recommend it as the pine knots drip sap at high heat conditions.


Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna
Photo of Tahoe Backyard Sauna